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Sr. Debbie Lloyd

Unlike most of the Brown County Ursulines, Sr. Debbie Lloyd is not from Cincinnati. She was born in Troy, New York, and grew up in Latham, about fifteen minutes north of Albany, the capital of New York State. She loved to study and always knew that she wanted to be a teacher but wasn't sure what to teach. The first day that she walked into her Spanish class, she knew what she would teach and never changed her mind. She loved languages--Spanish, German (a little) and Portuguese (in which she minored).

She attended the State University of New York at Albany, got her B.A. and M.A. One of her professors suggested that she work on her doctorate. She transferred to the University of Kentucky, passed her comps and got hooked on ministry and never looked back. She could have written a dissertation but writing something that might interest three people in the world was not as life-giving as working in a soup kitchen, bringing the Eucharist to shut-ins, learning what it was that God was calling her to and all that ministry involves.

The area of Spanish that she loved was medieval and that has brought her to Archives. As a Novice she worked with Sr. Xavier Ladrigan and was fascinated by the history of the Brown County Ursulines. An opportunity arose for her to help Sr. Mary Paul Walsh in Archives which brings her to where she is today. After fifteen years of teaching high school Spanish, she now works in Archives learning about Angela Merici, Julia Chatfield and the rich history that informs each one of us.

of Brown COunty

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